on Amazon

See also, Samples
Ameriikan Poijat presents six compact disc recordings
Finnish Brass In America (1994)
Connections Finnish (1997)
Potpourri (2004)
“Immigrants” (2009)
“Juhlat” (Festivals and Celebrations) 2018
Joulusauna- Finnish Christmas Music for Brass Septet (2021)
Available from:
https://north-wind-books-at-finlandia-university.myshopify.com/collections/music, Petalania Gifts Northfield, Minnesota (Phone+1: (507) 663-0565, 212 Division St S, Unit 8, Northfield, MN 55057 https://www.paperpetalum.com/
on CDBaby, iTunes, Amazon,Spotify, and through Finnish gift shops
On Line from Paul: Go to PayPal- send $20.00 (each) to ameriikanpoijat@gmail.com , noting it is for “Joulusauna”, or whichever CD- and be sure you include your mailing address for me to send the CD. Et voilá! The fee includes mailing costs.
Rhythm Music Magazine, a journal of international folk music, characterizes the album as “striking…inspired.” The Brass Bulletin, published in Switzerland, describes the CD as “Charming.” It has also been reviewed positively by journals of the North American Brass Band Association, International Trumpet Guild, the Historic Brass Society, and Dirty Linen — a folk music magazine.
The Global Village label specializes in recordings of ethnic and folk music produced in the United States. In addition to the Ameriikan Poijat recording, their catalogue includes a large selection of Jewish Klezmer music, Black American Gospel music, and recordings of immigrant music with Yugoslavian, Italian, and Afro-Cuban roots. Re-releases of early jazz recordings are also well represented. Global Village distribution is throughout North and South America, Europe, and Japan.
Our band sheet music is also available for purchase-
with alternate parts for instruments in C, F, E-flat, or B-flat — making this music playable by most combinations of mixed wind instruments. SEE “ON-LINE SHEET MUSIC” PAGE FOR DETAILS